About the Series
The Valdemar series is a richly woven tapestry of fantasy set in the magical land of Valdemar, where magic, honor, and destiny intertwine. The series follows the adventures of various characters who bond with magical companion animals called Companions, which choose their partners based on the purity of their hearts. As the protagonists navigate a world filled with political intrigue, dark magic, and personal growth, they confront their destinies, fight against evil forces, and forge alliances that will determine the fate of Valdemar.
Series Details
- Author:Mercedes Lackey
- Started:1987
- Books:4
- Status:Complete
Books in Order
Arrows of the Queen
1987The first book in the Valdemar series introduces Talia, a young girl who longs for more than her mundane life. When she is chosen by a Companion, a magical creature that bonds with her for life, Talia is thrust into a world of magic and responsibility as she trains to become a Herald, a protector of the realm. As she navigates her new role, she must confront her own insecurities and the growing threat of dark forces that seek to destabilize Valdemar.
Magic's Pawn
1989This installment follows the story of Vanyel, a young man struggling with his identity and the expectations placed upon him. As he discovers his own powerful magic, he also grapples with love, loss, and betrayal. Vanyel's journey is a poignant exploration of self-acceptance and the sacrifices one must make to embrace their true self, set against the backdrop of a looming war that threatens Valdemar.
Magic's Price
1990The thrilling conclusion to Vanyel's story, this book delves into the depths of sacrifice as he faces the ultimate battle against the forces of darkness. With the fate of Valdemar hanging in the balance, Vanyel must confront his past and make choices that will affect not only his life but the lives of those he loves. Themes of redemption, love, and the power of friendship resonate throughout this gripping finale.
The Last Herald-Mage Trilogy
1990This trilogy encompasses the stories of Vanyel, his trials, and his relationships with those around him. It explores the complexities of loyalty, love, and the burden of destiny, showcasing how one person's journey can change the fate of an entire kingdom. The trilogy is noted for its emotional depth and nuanced characters, making it a landmark in the Valdemar series.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Valdemar series interconnected?
Yes, the Valdemar series is interconnected with various characters and storylines that overlap throughout the books. While each book can be read individually, they collectively build a rich world and lore.
What age group is the Valdemar series suitable for?
The Valdemar series is primarily aimed at young adults, but it is enjoyed by readers of all ages due to its universal themes and engaging storytelling.
How many books are in the Valdemar series?
As of October 2023, there are over 30 books in the Valdemar series, with more being planned by the author. The series includes several trilogies and standalone novels.