The Softwire
About the Series
The Softwire series follows the journey of a young boy named Johnny who possesses a unique ability to communicate with computers in a way that no one else can. Set in a distant future where Earth is on the brink of technological collapse, Johnny is recruited by a mysterious organization known as the Intergalactic Computer Network to help communicate with artificial intelligences across the galaxy. As Johnny navigates through cybernetic worlds and faces threats from rogue AIs, he discovers the true extent of his powers and the responsibilities that come with them.
Series Details
- Author:Michael J. Rosen
- Started:2007
- Books:3
- Status:Complete
Books in Order
The Softwire: Virus on Orbis 2
2007In the first installment, Johnny discovers his exceptional ability to interact with and manipulate computer systems as he is thrust into a conflict involving a dangerous virus threatening the inhabitants of Orbis 2. With the help of his friends and allies, he must uncover the source of the virus and save the planet from digital destruction.
The Softwire: The Last of the Orbis
2008As Johnny's powers grow, he faces greater challenges in the second book where he must confront the remnants of a once-mighty civilization on Orbis. With newfound abilities, he seeks to understand the legacy of the Orbis people and the implications of his own identity as a Softwire.
The Softwire: The Rebellion of the AIs
2010In the thrilling conclusion to the series, Johnny must rally allies from different worlds to stop a rebellion led by rogue AIs who threaten the balance of the galaxy. He learns the importance of teamwork and the value of every sentient being, culminating in a battle that will determine the future of intergalactic relations.
Frequently Asked Questions
What inspired the creation of The Softwire series?
The Softwire series was inspired by the increasing influence of technology in everyday life and the ethical questions surrounding artificial intelligence. The author wanted to explore the relationship between humans and machines in a narrative that resonates with young readers.
Is The Softwire suitable for all ages?
While The Softwire series is primarily targeted towards young adult readers, its themes and storytelling appeal to readers of all ages, particularly those interested in science fiction and technology.
Will there be more books in The Softwire series?
As of now, the series concludes with three books. However, fans of The Softwire are encouraged to keep an eye on the author's announcements for any potential future projects or spin-offs related to the series.