The Others
About the Series
The Others is a captivating urban fantasy series that delves into a world where supernatural beings coexist with humans, often hidden in plain sight. Set in a richly imagined universe, the series explores the intricate dynamics between different species, including witches, shapeshifters, and vampires, and their interactions with a society that fears and misunderstands them. The narrative follows the journey of a human protagonist who finds herself at the center of a conflict that threatens to unveil the hidden world of The Others, leading to thrilling adventures and emotional discoveries.
Series Details
- Author:Anne Bishop
- Started:2009
- Books:3
- Status:Complete
Books in Order
Written in Red
2013The first book in The Others series introduces readers to Meg Corbyn, a blood prophet who escapes from a life of confinement. She seeks refuge in the Lakeside Courtyard, a place where shapeshifters and other supernatural beings live. As Meg navigates her new life, she becomes pivotal in the struggle between her kind and those who wish to exploit them, leading to a gripping tale filled with suspense and romance.
Marked in Flesh
2016In the second installment, Meg learns more about her powers and the consequences of being a blood prophet. As tensions rise between humans and The Others, Meg works to forge alliances while grappling with her own identity. This book deepens the exploration of the series' main characters and intensifies the conflict that threatens their existence.
Etched in Bone
2017The thrilling conclusion of the initial trilogy sees Meg and her allies facing their greatest challenges yet. With the fragile peace between humans and The Others in jeopardy, Meg must confront her past and the dark forces at play. This installment wraps up character arcs and themes of belonging and sacrifice, delivering a powerful finale to the series.
Frequently Asked Questions
What inspired Anne Bishop to write The Others series?
Anne Bishop was inspired by her fascination with the concept of supernatural beings living among humans and the complexities of their relationships. She wanted to explore themes of power, acceptance, and the struggle for identity in a world that often fears the unknown.
Is The Others series connected to any other works by Anne Bishop?
The Others series stands alone in its universe. However, Anne Bishop often explores similar themes of fantasy, identity, and community in her other series, such as the Black Jewels trilogy, which features rich world-building and complex characters.
What age group is The Others series suitable for?
The Others series is generally suitable for older teens and adults due to its mature themes, complex relationships, and occasional violence. Readers who enjoy urban fantasy with strong character development and romantic elements will likely find it appealing.