The Maddox Brothers
About the Series
The Maddox Brothers series follows the tumultuous lives and romantic escapades of the Maddox brothers—each one a unique character grappling with love, loss, and personal demons. Set against the backdrop of a small town in the American Midwest, the series explores the bonds of brotherhood, the complexities of familial relationships, and the transformative power of love. Each book focuses on a different brother's journey, revealing their struggles and triumphs as they navigate their relationships and the challenges that come with them.
Series Details
- Author:Jamie McGuire
- Started:2013
- Books:6
- Status:Complete
Books in Order
Beautiful Disaster
2013The story introduces Abby Abernathy, a college student who is determined to avoid the heartbreak of her past. When she meets Travis Maddox, a notorious bad boy, their chemistry is undeniable, leading to a tumultuous relationship that challenges Abby's resolve and forces them both to confront their demons.
Walking Disaster
2013This companion novel retells the events of 'Beautiful Disaster' from Travis's perspective. It delves deeper into his troubled past, his motivations, and the intensity of his love for Abby, providing a fresh perspective on their whirlwind romance.
A Beautiful Wedding
2013This novella follows the aftermath of Abby and Travis's tumultuous relationship as they prepare for their wedding. The story explores the challenges they face and the emotional rollercoaster leading up to one of the most significant days of their lives.
Beautiful Oblivion
2014Focusing on the next Maddox brother, Trenton, this book introduces a new love interest, Camille. The story explores themes of loyalty, family expectations, and the struggle to overcome one's past while finding true love.
Beautiful Redemption
2015The saga continues with the story of Thomas Maddox, who has his own secrets and struggles. This installment explores the healing power of love as Thomas finds solace in a new relationship, while also dealing with the repercussions of his family's legacy.
Beautiful Sacrifice
2015This book centers around the youngest brother, Falyn, who is a free spirit with a troubled past. Her relationship with a mysterious and strong-willed man leads her to confront her fears and embrace her true self.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is 'The Maddox Brothers' series a standalone or do I need to read in order?
While each book focuses on different brothers and can be read separately, reading them in order provides a richer understanding of the family dynamics and character development.
What age group is 'The Maddox Brothers' series suitable for?
The series is primarily targeted towards New Adult readers, typically ages 18 and up, due to its mature themes and romantic content.
Are there any spin-offs or related works to 'The Maddox Brothers' series?
Yes, Jamie McGuire has created additional works that tie into the Maddox universe, exploring other characters and their stories, though 'The Maddox Brothers' is considered the core series.