The Eldest Curses
About the Series
The Eldest Curses is a captivating urban fantasy series set in a world where magic and the mundane intertwine. Following the story of Magnus Bane, a centuries-old warlock, the narrative delves into his complex relationships, adventures, and the challenges he faces as the remnants of a dark past threaten his present. The series explores themes of love, identity, and the moral ambiguities of power, all while showcasing rich, character-driven storytelling and vibrant world-building.
Series Details
- Author:Cassandra Clare
- Started:2018
- Books:2
- Status:Complete
Books in Order
The Lost Book of the White
2020In this thrilling first installment of The Eldest Curses series, Magnus Bane and his partner, Alec Lightwood, embark on a quest to recover a powerful and ancient spellbook that has gone missing. As they traverse through the magical underbelly of New York City, they encounter old friends and new foes, all while navigating the complexities of their relationship. Their journey leads them through unexpected realms and challenges that test their love and commitment.
The Black Volume of the Dead
2021The second book in The Eldest Curses series sees Magnus and Alec facing a new threat as a sinister force seeks to use the Black Volume of the Dead, a book that grants immense power over life and death. As they race against time to protect their loved ones and their world, Magnus must confront his past demons and make choices that could change the course of history. This installment deepens the exploration of Magnus's character and his relationships with those around him.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is The Eldest Curses a continuation of The Mortal Instruments series?
Yes, The Eldest Curses is set in the same universe as The Mortal Instruments and features characters from that series, particularly Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood, as they navigate their lives and challenges.
Do I need to read The Mortal Instruments before starting The Eldest Curses?
While The Eldest Curses can be enjoyed on its own, reading The Mortal Instruments will enhance your understanding of the characters and the magical world they inhabit.
How many books are planned for The Eldest Curses series?
As of now, there are two books published in The Eldest Curses series, with plans for additional installments that will continue to explore Magnus and Alec's adventures.