The Adventures Of The Bailey School Kids
About the Series
The Adventures Of The Bailey School Kids is a beloved children's book series that follows a group of elementary school friends as they encounter a variety of strange and fantastical creatures in their town. Each story combines humor, mystery, and a dose of whimsy as the kids, led by the curious and adventurous Liza, investigate the peculiar happenings around Bailey School. The series encourages imagination and problem-solving, making it a favorite among young readers.
Series Details
- Author:Marcia Thornton Jones and Deborah Schecter
- Started:1990
- Books:5
- Status:Complete
Books in Order
Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips
1990In the first book of the series, the Bailey School Kids investigate strange noises coming from the school cafeteria. They soon discover that the source of the disturbances may be related to the legend of a ghost who haunts the lunchroom. The kids band together to uncover the mystery and prove that ghosts don't eat potato chips!
Werewolves Don't Go To Summer Camp
1991The Bailey School Kids are excited to go to summer camp, but when they start hearing rumors about a werewolf lurking in the woods, their fun quickly turns into a thrilling adventure. The kids must work together to solve the mystery behind the camp's frightening tales while navigating the challenges of camp life.
Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots
1992When a new teacher arrives at Bailey School wearing sunglasses and acting mysteriously, the kids begin to suspect that she might be a vampire. They follow her around to gather clues and ultimately confront their fears in this humorous tale of friendship and acceptance.
Aliens Don't Wear Braces
1993When the Bailey School Kids encounter a new student with an unusual appearance and strange habits, they begin to suspect he might be an alien. The story explores themes of prejudice and understanding as the kids learn not to judge someone based on their looks, leading to a heartwarming conclusion.
The Last Adventure of the Bailey School Kids
1999In this thrilling finale, the Bailey School Kids face their biggest challenge yet as they confront an ancient evil that threatens their town. With their friendship and teamwork put to the test, the kids must summon all their courage to save Bailey School and the community they love.
Frequently Asked Questions
What age group is The Adventures Of The Bailey School Kids suitable for?
The series is primarily aimed at children aged 6 to 12, making it perfect for early readers and those in elementary school.
Are the books in the series interconnected?
While each book features a standalone story, they all revolve around the same group of characters and their adventures, making them feel interconnected.
Is there a specific reading order for the series?
Readers can enjoy the books in any order, but starting with the first book, 'Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips,' is recommended to get to know the characters and their dynamics.