Song Of The Lioness
About the Series
The 'Song Of The Lioness' series, a beloved classic in young adult fantasy literature, follows the journey of Alanna of Trebond, a headstrong girl who disguises herself as a boy to train as a knight in the realm of Tortall. Throughout her adventures, Alanna faces challenges that test her courage, strength, and identity, while navigating a world filled with magic, political intrigue, and personal discovery. The series explores themes of gender, power, and friendship as Alanna strives to fulfill her destiny while staying true to herself.
Series Details
- Author:Tamora Pierce
- Started:1983
- Books:4
- Status:Complete
Books in Order
Alanna: The First Adventure
1983In the first book of the series, young Alanna of Trebond disguises herself as a boy to train as a knight, leaving her twin brother to take her place as a lady. As she navigates life at the palace, Alanna faces both the challenges of training and the dangers of her secret being discovered, all while making friends and enemies along the way.
In the Hand of the Goddess
1984In the second installment, Alanna continues her journey as a knight while grappling with her feelings for Prince Jonathan and the fierce goddess, the Great Mother. As she becomes a legendary figure, Alanna must confront dark forces and the complexities of loyalty and love that threaten her path.
The Woman Who Rides Like a Man
1986The third book sees Alanna in the desert, where she encounters the fierce and proud Desert People. As she learns their ways and earns their respect, Alanna faces the challenge of reconciling her identity as a knight with her role in a culture that views women differently.
Lioness Rampant
1988In the thrilling conclusion to Alanna's story, she embarks on a quest to find the legendary Dominion Jewel, a powerful artifact that could shift the balance of power in Tortall. As she battles foes and confronts her own fears, Alanna must embrace her true self and fight for what she believes in.
Frequently Asked Questions
What age group is the 'Song Of The Lioness' series intended for?
The series is primarily targeted towards young adults, but it is enjoyed by readers of all ages due to its engaging storytelling and relatable themes.
Is 'Song Of The Lioness' part of a larger universe?
Yes, the 'Song Of The Lioness' series is part of Tamora Pierce's Tortall Universe, which includes several other series and standalone novels that explore different characters and stories within the same magical world.
What makes Alanna a unique character in fantasy literature?
Alanna is notable for her determination to defy gender norms and pursue her dreams in a male-dominated society. Her character embodies strength, resilience, and the quest for identity, making her a trailblazer in young adult fantasy.