About the Series
The Sharpe series follows the adventures of Richard Sharpe, a British soldier during the Napoleonic Wars. The series chronicles Sharpe's rise from a lowly private to a respected officer, showcasing his exploits in various battles, his cunning against adversaries, and his complex relationships with comrades and rivals. The books are known for their historical accuracy, thrilling battle scenes, and rich character development, immersing readers in the tumultuous era of early 19th-century warfare.
Series Details
- Author:Bernard Cornwell
- Started:1981
- Books:7
- Status:Complete
Books in Order
Sharpe's Rifles
1988In the first book of the series, Richard Sharpe is assigned to the newly formed rifle brigade. Set during the Peninsular War, he must train a group of inexperienced soldiers while battling French forces and navigating the treacherous politics of military command.
Sharpe's Eagle
1981Sharpe's Eagle follows Richard Sharpe as he fights in the Battle of Talavera. He faces not only the enemy on the battlefield but also treachery within his ranks, leading to a gripping tale of valor and betrayal.
Sharpe's Fortress
1981Set during the Siege of Badajoz, Sharpe's Fortress sees Richard Sharpe leading a daring assault against the fortified city, encountering fierce resistance and personal challenges that test his mettle and resolve.
Sharpe's Company
1982In this installment, Sharpe is promoted and must lead his company in the fierce fighting of the Peninsular War, dealing with the tensions between his men and the politics of war as he strives to prove himself as a leader.
Sharpe's Battle
1995Sharpe's Battle details a brutal confrontation at the Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro. Sharpe faces not only the enemy forces but also his own past as old rivalries and personal vendettas come to the forefront.
Sharpe's Revenge
1997Set against the backdrop of the Napoleonic Wars, Sharpe's Revenge explores themes of honor and redemption as Richard Sharpe seeks to clear his name after being wrongfully accused of theft.
Sharpe's Waterloo
1990In the dramatic conclusion of the series, Sharpe fights in the pivotal Battle of Waterloo. This thrilling narrative captures the chaos of battle and the personal stakes involved as he faces the culmination of his military career.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Sharpe series based on real events?
Yes, the Sharpe series is set during the Napoleonic Wars and incorporates real historical events, battles, and figures, blending fiction with historical accuracy.
In what order should I read the Sharpe books?
The Sharpe books can be read in the order of publication, starting with 'Sharpe's Rifles.' While each book can stand alone, reading them in order provides a richer understanding of Sharpe's character development and ongoing story.
Has the Sharpe series been adapted into any films or television shows?
Yes, the Sharpe series was adapted into a popular television series starring Sean Bean as Richard Sharpe, which aired from 1993 to 2006. The adaptations closely follow the plots of the books and have been well-received by fans of the series.