Scott Pilgrim

Bryan Lee O'Malley
Started in 2004
6 Books

About the Series

The 'Scott Pilgrim' series follows the adventures of Scott Pilgrim, a slacker and aspiring musician in Toronto, who falls in love with Ramona Flowers. To win her heart, Scott must defeat her seven evil exes in a series of comically absurd battles. The series combines elements of romance, fantasy, and video game culture, all while exploring themes of love, friendship, and personal growth.

Series Details

  • Author:Bryan Lee O'Malley
  • Started:2004
  • Books:6
  • Status:Complete


Graphic NovelRomantic ComedyFantasyAction-Adventure


Love and RelationshipsPersonal GrowthFriendshipIdentityGeek Culture

Books in Order


Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life


In the first volume, Scott Pilgrim, a 23-year-old slacker, falls for the enigmatic Ramona Flowers. However, to date her, he must face her seven evil exes, starting with Matthew Patel, who can summon demons. This volume sets the stage for Scott's journey of love, conflict, and self-discovery.

Series StartCore Series

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World


Scott continues his quest to win Ramona's heart as he battles her second evil ex, Lucas Lee, a Hollywood actor and skateboarder. This volume introduces new characters and deepens the exploration of Scott's relationships and insecurities.

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Scott Pilgrim & The Infinite Sadness


As Scott faces off against Ramona's third ex, the emotionally complex and manipulative envy, the saga delves into the intricacies of love and heartbreak, showcasing how past relationships impact the present.

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Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together


Scott's challenges escalate as he confronts his own shortcomings while battling the fourth evil ex, the formidable and powerful Roxy Richter. The volume emphasizes personal responsibility and the importance of self-improvement.

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Scott Pilgrim vs. The Universe


Scott faces his most powerful adversary yet, the fifth ex, and must grapple with the consequences of his actions and decisions. The stakes are raised as Scott's relationships become more complicated.

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Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour


In the final chapter, Scott must confront the remaining exes and face his own inner demons. This volume brings closure to Scott's journey, highlighting themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the importance of moving forward.

Series FinaleCore Series

Frequently Asked Questions

Is 'Scott Pilgrim' a standalone series or part of a larger universe?

'Scott Pilgrim' is a standalone series created by Bryan Lee O'Malley. It has no direct ties to a larger universe, but it has inspired a cult following and adaptations, including a feature film and a video game.

What inspired Bryan Lee O'Malley to create the 'Scott Pilgrim' series?

O'Malley drew inspiration from his experiences as a young adult, his love for video games, and the indie music scene in Toronto. The series reflects his interests and the challenges of navigating relationships and identity in a modern context.

Are there any adaptations of the 'Scott Pilgrim' series?

Yes, 'Scott Pilgrim' was adapted into a feature film in 2010 directed by Edgar Wright, which gained a significant following. Additionally, an animated series was announced, which aims to further explore the characters and stories from the original graphic novels.

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