Rock Kiss
About the Series
The 'Rock Kiss' series is a captivating contemporary romance series centered around the lives of a group of rock musicians and the women who capture their hearts. Each book explores themes of love, redemption, and the trials of life in the music industry, showcasing the passion and struggles faced by those on and off the stage. The series intricately weaves personal growth and emotional depth with the glamorous yet tumultuous world of rock and roll.
Series Details
- Author:Nalini Singh
- Started:2015
- Books:3
- Status:Complete
Books in Order
Rock Addiction
2015The first book in the series introduces us to the rock star Noah St. John and the woman who changes his life, Molly Webster. As Noah struggles with his fame and personal demons, he finds solace and love in Molly, who is determined to help him confront his past. Their passionate and tumultuous relationship sets the stage for the adventures that follow in the series.
Rock Hard
2015In the second installment, we delve into the story of the enigmatic and brooding rock guitarist, Gabriel Bishop, and his unexpected romance with the strong-willed and fiery musician, Charlotte. Their chemistry is undeniable, but both must confront their insecurities and past traumas to embrace their love and find happiness together.
Rock Wedding
2016The final book in the series brings together the beloved characters from previous installments as they navigate the complexities of love, commitment, and family. This heartwarming conclusion follows the wedding of two central characters, blending humor and heartfelt moments as the group of friends learns the true meaning of love and support.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is 'Rock Kiss' a standalone series?
While each book in the 'Rock Kiss' series can be enjoyed on its own, the characters and storylines are interconnected. Readers may benefit from reading the series in order to fully appreciate character development and relationships.
What is the target audience for the 'Rock Kiss' series?
The 'Rock Kiss' series primarily targets adult readers who enjoy contemporary romance, particularly those who appreciate the intersection of romance and the music industry.
Are there any recurring characters in the series?
Yes, the 'Rock Kiss' series features several recurring characters who appear throughout the books, creating a sense of continuity and deepening the overall narrative as their relationships evolve across the series.