About the Series
The Reckoners series is a thrilling blend of urban fantasy and dystopian fiction, set in a world where superhuman beings known as 'Epics' have taken over, ruling with fear and oppression. The series follows a group of ordinary humans called the Reckoners, who have made it their mission to fight back against these powerful tyrants. With a mix of action, strategy, and character-driven storytelling, the series explores the balance of power, morality, and the human spirit's resilience in the face of overwhelming odds.
Series Details
- Author:Brandon Sanderson
- Started:2013
- Books:3
- Status:Complete
Books in Order
2013In the city of Newcago, ruled by the ruthless Epic known as Steelheart, a young man named David witnesses the death of his father at Steelheart's hands. Driven by revenge and a desire for justice, David joins the Reckoners, a group dedicated to taking down Epics. With their specialized knowledge and skills, they devise a plan to confront Steelheart and uncover the secrets that power him.
2015Continuing the fight against the Epics, the Reckoners travel to Babilar, a city controlled by the Epic known as Regalia. David and his team must navigate a world of illusions and powerful water-based abilities while uncovering Regalia's true motives. As they face new challenges and moral dilemmas, they must also confront their own fears and the nature of heroism.
2016In the explosive conclusion to the Reckoners trilogy, David and the Reckoners face off against Calamity, a mysterious Epic with the power to control reality itself. As they battle for the future of humanity, David grapples with the consequences of power and what it means to be a hero. The stakes are higher than ever, and sacrifices will be made as the Reckoners seek to bring an end to the reign of the Epics.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Reckoners a standalone series?
No, the Reckoners is a trilogy consisting of three main books: Steelheart, Firefight, and Calamity. Each book builds upon the previous one, creating a continuous narrative arc.
What age group is the Reckoners series suitable for?
The Reckoners series is primarily aimed at young adult readers but can be enjoyed by older teens and adults due to its complex themes and engaging plot.
Are there any additional materials related to the Reckoners series?
Yes, Brandon Sanderson has also released a novella titled 'Mitosis' that takes place in the Reckoners universe, exploring events that occur between the first and second novels.