About the Series
The 'Newsoul' series follows the extraordinary journey of a young girl named Anya, who discovers that she is the reincarnation of a powerful soul from a bygone era. Set in a world where souls can be reborn with unique abilities and insights from their past lives, Anya must navigate the complexities of her new identity while grappling with the consequences of her previous incarnations. As she unravels the mysteries of her past, she faces challenges from both allies and adversaries, all while seeking to understand her place in a society that fears and worships the power of the soul.
Series Details
- Author:Kira L. Thompson
- Started:2021
- Books:3
- Status:Complete
Books in Order
Newsoul: Awakening
2021In the first installment, Anya awakens to her new life and realizes she possesses memories and abilities from her previous incarnations. As she learns to harness her powers, she encounters friends and foes who challenge her understanding of her own identity. The story sets the stage for an epic adventure as Anya discovers what it truly means to be a 'Newsoul.'
Newsoul: Rising Shadows
2022As Anya's powers grow, so does the threat against her and those she loves. Dark forces, recognizing her potential, seek to capture her for their own purposes. In this thrilling sequel, Anya must team up with her friends to uncover ancient secrets that could change the fate of their world, all while confronting her past selves and the mistakes they made.
Newsoul: The Final Reckoning
2023In the climactic conclusion of the 'Newsoul' series, Anya faces her greatest challenge yet. With the enemy closing in and her past lives haunting her, she must embrace her true self and the power that comes with it. This final installment weaves together threads of love, sacrifice, and destiny, leading to an epic showdown that will determine the fate of all souls.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is 'Newsoul' a standalone book or a series?
'Newsoul' is a series consisting of three main books that follow the journey of Anya as she navigates her reincarnated identity and the challenges that come with it.
What age group is 'Newsoul' targeted towards?
The series is primarily targeted towards young adult readers, but its themes of identity and self-discovery resonate with a broader audience.
Are there any romantic elements in the series?
Yes, the series includes romantic elements as Anya navigates relationships with friends and love interests, adding depth to her journey of self-discovery.