About the Series
The 'Molokai' series follows the poignant story of a young girl named Rachel who is sent to the island of Molokai, Hawaii, after being diagnosed with leprosy in the early 20th century. The series explores her struggles, relationships, and vibrant life within the confines of the Kalaupapa settlement. Through Rachel's eyes, readers experience the challenges faced by those living with the disease, the impact of isolation, and the indomitable spirit of a community forged in adversity. Interweaving historical context with personal narrative, the series sheds light on the often-overlooked experiences of individuals affected by leprosy and their fight for dignity and acceptance.
Series Details
- Author:Alan Brennert
- Started:2003
- Books:3
- Status:Complete
Books in Order
2003The first book in the series introduces readers to Rachel, a young Hawaiian girl who is diagnosed with leprosy and sent to the remote island of Molokai. The story chronicles her life from childhood to adulthood, detailing her experiences in the Kalaupapa settlement and her relationships with other inhabitants, including the challenges they face from societal rejection and illness.
Daughter of Molokai
2019A sequel to 'Molokai', this installment focuses on Rachel's daughter, who must navigate her own identity while dealing with the legacy of her mother's illness. The book explores themes of love, loss, and the ongoing impact of leprosy on their family, as well as the societal changes occurring outside the island.
The Healers of Molokai
2023The third book in the series delves into the lives of the healthcare workers and healers who dedicated their lives to caring for the residents of Kalaupapa. This narrative expands the scope of the series by providing insights into the medical challenges, ethical dilemmas, and personal stories of those who worked tirelessly to support the community.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is 'Molokai' based on true events?
Yes, 'Molokai' is rooted in historical events surrounding the leprosy epidemic in Hawaii and the establishment of the Kalaupapa settlement. It incorporates real historical figures and events while weaving in fictional narratives.
Can I read 'Daughter of Molokai' without reading the first book?
While 'Daughter of Molokai' provides some background, it is highly recommended to read 'Molokai' first to fully understand the characters and the historical context that shapes their lives.
What age group is this series suitable for?
The 'Molokai' series is suitable for mature readers, typically ages 14 and up, due to its themes of illness, isolation, and emotional depth. It is often used in educational settings to discuss historical and social issues.