Lorien Legacies
About the Series
The Lorien Legacies series follows a group of alien teenagers from the planet Lorien who possess extraordinary powers. They are on a mission to protect Earth from the ruthless Mogadorians, who have destroyed their home world. Each character possesses unique abilities, known as Legacies, that they must learn to harness in order to survive. The series blends science fiction, adventure, and coming-of-age themes, exploring the struggles of identity, friendship, and the fight against oppression.
Series Details
- Author:Pittacus Lore
- Started:2010
- Books:7
- Status:Complete
Books in Order
I Am Number Four
2010The first book introduces John Smith, a teenage alien on the run from the Mogadorians. He is one of the last surviving members of the Lorien race and possesses unique powers. As he struggles to fit in and protect his identity, he learns about love, friendship, and his true purpose.
The Power of Six
2011In the second installment, John teams up with another survivor, Six, who possesses incredible powers. Together they face new threats and uncover deeper secrets about their pasts and the true nature of their abilities.
The Rise of Nine
2012As the war against the Mogadorians escalates, John and Six join forces with other surviving Loriens. They must learn to work together to fight back and protect Earth, all while grappling with their identities and destinies.
The Fall of Five
2013The fourth book sees the group facing even greater challenges as they confront their enemies head-on. New alliances are formed, and the stakes become higher than ever, forcing them to make difficult choices.
The Revenge of Seven
2014In this installment, the group must deal with betrayal and loss as they seek revenge against the Mogadorians. The story deepens the lore of the Loriens and tests the bonds of friendship and loyalty.
The Fate of Ten
2015With the fate of Earth hanging in the balance, the Loriens must unite in their most desperate battle yet. This book brings together all the threads of the story and pushes the characters to their limits.
United as One
2016The final book in the series culminates in an epic showdown between the Loriens and the Mogadorians. All the characters' journeys converge, leading to a resolution that will determine the future of both worlds.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is 'Lorien Legacies' a standalone series?
No, 'Lorien Legacies' is a series consisting of seven books that follow a continuous storyline centered around the characters' fight against the Mogadorians.
Who is the main character in 'I Am Number Four'?
The main character is John Smith, an alien teenager from Lorien who is on the run from the Mogadorians while trying to navigate life on Earth.
Are there any spin-off books related to 'Lorien Legacies'?
Yes, there are a few companion novels and short stories that expand on the universe of 'Lorien Legacies', including 'Lorien Legacies: The Lost Files' which provides additional background on some characters and events.