Fear Street
About the Series
The 'Fear Street' series is a collection of horror novels written primarily for young adults by R.L. Stine. Set in the fictional town of Shadyside, the series delves into the lives of various teenagers who encounter supernatural events, mysteries, and terrifying experiences. Each book presents a standalone story that often intertwines with the broader history of Fear Street, a notorious road in Shadyside known for its dark past and the sinister occurrences that plague its residents. Themes of friendship, betrayal, and the supernatural permeate the narratives, making it a captivating read for fans of horror and mystery.
Series Details
- Author:R.L. Stine
- Started:1989
- Books:5
- Status:Complete
Books in Order
The New Girl
1989In 'The New Girl', a mysterious new student named Anna arrives at Shadyside High, but her presence brings with it a string of terrifying events. When Anna's past comes back to haunt her, the protagonist must unravel the truth before it's too late.
The Surprise Party
1990'The Surprise Party' follows a group of friends as they plan a birthday party that turns deadly. What was supposed to be a fun celebration quickly turns into a nightmare when someone begins sabotaging the festivities.
The Wrong Number
1990In 'The Wrong Number', a mysterious phone call leads to a series of horrifying events, as a teenager receives threatening messages from an unknown caller. As the fear escalates, they must uncover the identity of the caller before it’s too late.
The Ghost of Fear Street
1991This installment features a chilling story about a ghost that haunts an old house on Fear Street. When a group of teens dare each other to spend the night there, they uncover the ghost's tragic past and the dark secrets hidden within.
The Secret Bedroom
1994In 'The Secret Bedroom', a teenager discovers a hidden room in their new house that reveals secrets of the previous owners, including a dark history filled with betrayal and murder. This discovery leads to a terrifying confrontation with the past.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is 'Fear Street' a standalone series?
No, 'Fear Street' is a series of interconnected stories, each with its own characters and plotlines, but they share a common setting in the fictional town of Shadyside.
What age group is 'Fear Street' targeted at?
'Fear Street' is primarily targeted at young adult readers, but it is also enjoyed by older readers who appreciate horror and mystery genres.
How many books are there in the 'Fear Street' series?
There are over 50 books in the 'Fear Street' series, including the original novels as well as spin-offs and adaptations.