
Brandon Sanderson
Started in 2005
1 Books

About the Series

Elantris is a standalone epic fantasy novel set in a world where a once-great city of magic and divine beings has fallen into ruin and despair. The story unfolds in the kingdom of Arelon, where the inhabitants of Elantris—once revered for their powers—now suffer from a mysterious affliction known as the Shaod. The narrative follows three protagonists: Raoden, the prince of Arelon who is struck by the Shaod; Sarene, a political newcomer with her own ambitions; and Hrathen, a priest determined to convert the kingdom to his faith. Their intertwined fates explore themes of hope, betrayal, and the quest for redemption amidst societal collapse.

Series Details

  • Author:Brandon Sanderson
  • Started:2005
  • Books:1
  • Status:Complete


FantasyEpic FantasyAdventurePolitical Fiction


RedemptionThe Nature of PowerHope vs. DespairCultural ConflictFaith and Belief

Books in Order




The novel introduces the city of Elantris, which was once a shining beacon of magic and prosperity. However, after the mysterious event known as the Reod, Elantris has become a decaying shamble. The story follows Raoden, who finds himself transformed into an Elantrian and must navigate the harsh realities of his new existence. Meanwhile, Sarene, his betrothed, arrives in the kingdom only to discover that Raoden has been declared dead. The plot thickens as Hrathen, a zealous priest, seeks to convert Arelon to his faith and eliminate the remnants of Elantrian magic. Through intrigue, personal growth, and the struggle for survival, the characters must confront their circumstances and the legacies of their world.

StandaloneCore Series

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Elantris part of a series?

Elantris is a standalone novel and is not part of a series, although it is set in the same universe as Sanderson's later works, known as the Cosmere.

What are the main themes explored in Elantris?

Elantris explores themes such as redemption, the nature of power, hope versus despair, cultural conflict, and the role of faith and belief in society.

What type of magic system is featured in Elantris?

Elantris features a unique magic system based on the powers bestowed upon the residents of Elantris, who could once wield incredible abilities, but this magic was lost after the city's fall, leading to the plight of the Elantrians who are now afflicted by the Shaod.

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