About the Series
The 'Chrestomanci' series is a captivating collection of fantasy novels set in a multiverse where magic is a common element. The series revolves around the enigmatic figure of Chrestomanci, a powerful enchanter tasked with maintaining the balance of magic across various worlds. Each book explores themes of identity, responsibility, and the nature of power as characters navigate their magical abilities and the consequences of their actions. With a blend of humor, adventure, and moral dilemmas, the series appeals to readers of all ages.
Series Details
- Author:Diana Wynne Jones
- Started:1977
- Books:5
- Status:Complete
Books in Order
Charmed Life
1977The first installment introduces Cat and Gwendolyn Chant, two siblings with magical abilities. When they are taken to live with the powerful Chrestomanci, they must navigate the complexities of magic and familial rivalry, leading to adventures that challenge their understanding of power.
The Lives of Christopher Chant
1988This prequel focuses on Christopher Chant, a young boy with the ability to travel between worlds. As he learns about his powers and the responsibilities that come with them, he confronts dark forces that threaten his family and friends.
Conrad's Fate
2005In this tale, Conrad is sent to work at a mysterious estate run by the Chrestomanci. When he discovers a plot involving dark magic and time travel, he must team up with his newfound friends to unravel the mystery and save the day.
The Pinhoe Egg
2006Set in the same world, this story follows a young girl named Marianne who discovers a family of witches and a powerful egg that could turn the fate of magic upside down. With the help of Chrestomanci, she must navigate her dangerous surroundings to protect her loved ones.
Chrestomanci: The Complete Chronicles
2011This comprehensive collection includes all the Chrestomanci stories, providing readers with a complete view of Chrestomanci's adventures and the magical worlds he inhabits. It serves as the perfect introduction for new readers and a cherished collection for fans.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is 'Chrestomanci' a standalone book or part of a series?
'Chrestomanci' is part of a series of interconnected novels, each exploring different characters and adventures within the same magical universe, though some can be enjoyed on their own.
What age group is the 'Chrestomanci' series suitable for?
The series is primarily aimed at young adults but is enjoyable for readers of all ages, featuring themes and humor that resonate with both children and adults.
Are the books in the 'Chrestomanci' series published in chronological order?
While the books can be read in any order, 'Charmed Life' is the first published book and introduces the reader to Chrestomanci and his world, making it a good starting point.