Captive Prince
About the Series
The 'Captive Prince' series follows the tumultuous journey of Prince Damen of Akielos, who is betrayed by his half-brother and sold into slavery in the rival nation of Vereck. The series explores themes of power, identity, and the complexities of love and loyalty as Damen navigates a world of political intrigue and personal betrayal. The narrative intricately weaves together elements of romance, adventure, and court politics, ultimately leading to a gripping exploration of self-discovery and redemption.
Series Details
- Author:C.S. Pacat
- Started:2013
- Books:3
- Status:Complete
Books in Order
Captive Prince
2013In the first book of the series, Prince Damen of Akielos is captured and sold as a slave to the cold and calculating Prince Laurent of Vereck. As Damen navigates life in the palace, he must balance his desire for freedom with the need to maintain his identity while forming an uneasy alliance with Laurent.
Captive Prince: Prince's Gambit
2015The sequel continues the story as Damen and Laurent are forced to work together to navigate the treacherous political landscape of Vereck. As their relationship deepens, both must confront their pasts and the consequences of their decisions while plotting their next moves against their enemies.
Captive Prince: Kings Rising
2016In the series finale, Damen and Laurent face their greatest challenges yet as they unite forces against those who threaten their kingdoms. Their bond is tested as they confront betrayal and struggle for their rightful places on the throne, culminating in a dramatic conclusion that changes everything.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is 'Captive Prince' a standalone series?
No, 'Captive Prince' is a trilogy consisting of three interconnected novels that follow the story of Damen and Laurent.
What audience is 'Captive Prince' suitable for?
'Captive Prince' is suitable for mature readers due to its themes, including romance and political intrigue, as well as some adult content.
Will there be more books in the 'Captive Prince' series?
As of now, C.S. Pacat has concluded the main trilogy, but there are related works and short stories that expand on the universe and its characters.