About the Series
The 'Bunnicula' series follows the adventures of a vampire rabbit who has a penchant for sucking the juice out of vegetables rather than blood. The story is narrated by Harold, a loyal dog, and his feline friend Chester, who becomes suspicious of their new pet. The series cleverly combines humor, mystery, and themes of friendship and acceptance, appealing to young readers with its light-hearted yet thrilling approach to the supernatural.
Series Details
- Author:James Howe
- Started:1979
- Books:5
- Status:Complete
Books in Order
Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery
1979In the first book of the series, Harold the dog and Chester the cat tell the story of Bunnicula, a mysterious rabbit with unusual habits. After the Monroe family adopts him, Chester becomes convinced that Bunnicula is a vampire, leading to a hilarious series of events as he tries to protect the household.
Howliday Inn
1982The second installment finds Harold and Chester at a kennel while the Monroes go on vacation. When strange occurrences begin to happen, the duo must solve the mystery of the haunted kennel, all while trying to protect their friend Bunnicula.
The Celery Stalks at Midnight
1983In this third book, Bunnicula goes missing, leading Harold and Chester on a wild chase to find him. Along the way, they discover the importance of teamwork and confronting their fears, as they face off against new supernatural beings.
Bunnicula Strikes Again!
1984The fourth book introduces a new character, a vampire cat who poses a threat to Bunnicula. Harold and Chester must band together to save their friend from this new danger, reinforcing the themes of loyalty and courage.
Return of the Vampire Bunny
1999In this fifth book, Bunnicula returns with a wild adventure that takes the Monroe family on a journey filled with laughter, suspense, and the essence of friendship. The stakes are higher as they face even more bizarre creatures.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is 'Bunnicula' suitable for all ages?
Yes, 'Bunnicula' is primarily aimed at children aged 8-12, but its humor and clever writing make it enjoyable for readers of all ages.
How many books are there in the 'Bunnicula' series?
The 'Bunnicula' series consists of five main books, with additional spin-off stories and adaptations available.
What is the main theme of the 'Bunnicula' series?
The series explores themes of friendship, acceptance, and the importance of facing fears, all wrapped in a humorous and engaging narrative.