A Long Way From Chicago
About the Series
A Long Way From Chicago is a heartwarming and humorous series that follows the adventures of two siblings, Joey and Mary Alice, as they spend their summer vacations with their eccentric grandmother in a small town in Illinois during the Great Depression. Each story captures their unique experiences and lessons learned through the eyes of childhood innocence and the wisdom of age, blending nostalgia with relatable family dynamics.
Series Details
- Author:Richard Peck
- Started:1998
- Books:2
- Status:Complete
Books in Order
A Long Way From Chicago
1998The first book in the series introduces readers to Joey and Mary Alice, who are sent to stay with their grandmother in the small town of Grandma Dowdel's place. Through a series of humorous and sometimes poignant stories, the siblings learn about their grandmother's past, the townsfolk, and the importance of family bonds.
A Year Down Yonder
2000In this sequel, the story takes place during the Great Depression, where Mary Alice is sent to live with Grandma Dowdel for a year. The novel explores themes of survival, resourcefulness, and the strong connection between generations as Mary Alice learns valuable life lessons through her grandmother's unconventional methods.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is 'A Long Way From Chicago' suitable for children?
Yes, the series is aimed at middle-grade readers and is suitable for children, featuring relatable themes and humorous situations that resonate with young audiences.
Can the books be read out of order?
While the books can be enjoyed independently, reading them in order provides a deeper understanding of the characters' development and the overarching themes of family and growth.
What age group is the series recommended for?
The series is generally recommended for children aged 8-12, but it can be enjoyed by readers of all ages due to its universal themes and engaging storytelling.