Tom Clancy
Tom Clancy was a prolific American author best known for his bestselling military and espionage thriller novels, including the Jack Ryan and John Clark series. Born on April 12, 1947, in Baltimore, Maryland, Clancy studied English literature at Loyola University before working as an insurance agent. His debut novel, "The Hunt for Red October," was published in 1984 and introduced the iconic character Jack Ryan, a CIA analyst and later President of the United States. Clancy went on to write over 20 novels in the Jack Ryan Universe, exploring themes of espionage, terrorism, and international conflict with meticulous detail and accuracy. Clancy's books have been praised for their gripping plots, authentic military and political details, and prescient insights into future global events. Several of his novels have been adapted into successful Hollywood films, further cementing his reputation as a master of the techno-thriller genre. Tom Clancy passed away on October 1, 2013, leaving behind a lasting legacy as one of the most influential and beloved authors in the world of suspense fiction.
Standalone Novels
Individual novels by Tom Clancy not part of a series
- A la poursuite d'Octobre rouge
- Acts of War )
- Airborne: A Guided Tour of an Airborne Task Force
- Armored Cav: A Guided Tour of an Armored Cavalry Regiment
- Battle Ready
- Befehl von oben.
- Call to Treason )
- Carrier: A Guided Tour of an Aircraft Carrier
- Chaostage / Sprengsatz. Zwei Romane.
- Clear and Present Danger
- Cloak and Dagger
- Code SSN
- Das Echo aller Furcht. Roman.
- Debt of Honor
- Der Anschlag.
- Der Kardinal im Kreml. Roman.
- Der Schattenkrieg.
- Der Schattenkrieg. Roman.
- Dette d'honneur, tome 1
- Dette d'honneur, tome 2
- Deuda de honor
- Ehrenschuld.
- End Game
- Every Man a Tiger
- Executive Orders
- Fighter Wing: A Guided Tour of an Air Force Combat Wing
- Gameprey
- Gnadenlos.
- Hidden Agendas
- Hunt for Red October
- Im Sturm.
- Im Zeichen des Drachen.
- Into the Storm
- Into the Storm: A Study in Command
- Juego De Patriotas
- Machtspiele / Ausnahmezustand. Zwei Romane.
- Marine: A Guided Tour of a Marine Expeditionary Unit
- Mirror Image )
- Net Force
- Net Force 01. Intermafia.
- Net Force, tome 2 : Vandales virtuels
- Net Force, tome 4 : Le Jeu du solitaire
- Night Moves
- One Is the Loneliest Number
- Op Center, tome 1
- Op- Center 7. Feindbilder.
- Op-Center
- Op-Center: Juegos De Estado
- Operation Rainbow.
- Ordenes ejecutivas
- Ordenes ejecutivas II
- Panico Nuclear
- Patriot Games
- Paura Senza Limite
- Peligro inminente
- Politika )
- Power games : Politika
- Private Lives
- Pánico nuclear
- Rainbow Six
- Rainbow Six, tome 1
- Rainbow Six, tome 2
- Red Rabbit
- Red Storm Rising
- Ruthless.Com )
- Safe House
- Shadow Warriors: Inside the Special Forces
- Shadow Watch
- Shadow Watch )
- Shadow of Honor
- Sin remordimientos
- Special Forces: A Guided Tour of U.S. Army Special Forces
- Ssn
- Ssn: Strategies of Submarine Warfare
- State of Siege
- Submarine: A Guided Tour Inside a Nuclear Warship
- Sur ordre, tome 1
- Sur ordre, tome 2
- Temp�?ªte rouge
- The Bear and the Dragon
- The Cardinal of the Kremlin
- The Deadliest Game
- The Great Race
- The Hunt for Red October
- The Sum of All Fears
- The Teeth of the Tiger
- The Ultimate Escape
- Three Complete Novels: Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger, The Sum of All Fears
- Tom Clancy Two Complete Novels: Red Storm Rising/the Cardinal of the Kremlin
- Tom Clancy's Net Force
- Tom Clancy's Net Force )
- Tom Clancy's Net Force 02. Fluchtpunkt.
- Tom Clancy's Op Center )
- Tom Clancy's Op- Center / Tom Clancy's Spiegelbild. Zwei OP- Center- Romane.
- Tom Clancy's Op- Center. Chaostage.
- Tom Clancy's Op- Center. Spiegelbild.
- Tom Clancy's Op-Center )
- Tom Clancy's Op-Center : Games of State
- Tom Clancy's Op-Center Balance of Power )
- Tom Clancy's Op-Center: Divide and Conquer )
- Tom Clancy's Op-Center: Games of State )
- Tom Clancy's Op-Center: Mirror Image )
- Tom Clancy's Power Plays Politika.
- Tom Clancy's Power Plays: Cold War
- Tom Clancy's Power Plays: Cutting Edge
- Tom Clancy: Juegos del poder Politika
- Tom Clancy: Net Force
- Tom Clancy: Net Force, Prioridades Ocultas
- Tom Clancys Net Force 3. Ehrenkodex.
- Tom Clancys OP- Center 4. Sprengsatz.
- Tom Clancys Op- Center.
- Tom Clancys Power Plays 1. Politika.
- Tom Clancys Power Plays 2. Tigerjagd.
- Tom Clancys Special Net Force 1. Todesspiel.
- Tom Clancys Special Net Force 3. Jungfernflug.
- Tom Clancys Special Net Force. Ehrensache. Ehrensache / Schwarze Schatten / Geiselnahme.
- Tormenta roja
- Virtual Vandals
- Without Remorse
- \"Patriot Games\" and \"The Hunt for Red October\"
Classic Series
The series that started it all
- The Hunt for Red October
- Red Storm Rising
- Patriot Games
- The Cardinal of the Kremlin
- Clear and Present Danger
- The Sum of All Fears
- Without Remorse
- Debt of Honor
- Executive Orders
Recent Series
Latest works by the author
- Rainbow Six
- The Bear and the Dragon
- The Teeth of the Tiger
- Dead or Alive
- Locked On
- Threat Vector
- Command Authority
- Private Military
Reading Order
Complete reading order for Tom Clancy's books
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is Tom Clancy?
Tom Clancy was an American author known for his military and espionage thrillers. He was best known for his Jack Ryan series.
What is the Jack Ryan series about?
The Jack Ryan series follows the career of Jack Ryan, a former Marine turned CIA analyst and eventually President of the United States, as he navigates various national security crises.
Which book is the first in the Jack Ryan series?
The first book in the Jack Ryan series is 'The Hunt for Red October', published in 1984.
What is the Jack Ryan Universe?
The Jack Ryan Universe is a collection of books written by Tom Clancy that feature various characters and storylines interconnected with the Jack Ryan series.
Are there any movies or TV shows based on Tom Clancy's books?
Yes, several of Tom Clancy's books have been adapted into movies and TV shows, including 'The Hunt for Red October', 'Clear and Present Danger', and the Amazon series 'Jack Ryan'.