Rita Mae Brown
Rita Mae Brown is a renowned American author and activist, best known for her popular mystery series, the Mrs. Murphy Mysteries. Born on November 28, 1944 in Hanover, Pennsylvania, Brown is also a screenwriter and poet. Brown burst onto the literary scene with her groundbreaking debut novel, "Rubyfruit Jungle," which was published in 1973 and has since become a classic in LGBTQ literature. She has continued to captivate readers with her diverse body of work, which includes novels, poetry, and essays. The Mrs. Murphy Mysteries, a series centered around the adventures of Mary Minor "Harry" Haristeen and her talking pets, Mrs. Murphy the cat and Tee Tucker the Corgi, has garnered critical acclaim and a dedicated fan following. Known for her sharp wit and intelligent storytelling, Brown's writing seamlessly blends mystery, humor, and social commentary. In addition to her writing career, Brown is a passionate activist for social and political causes, particularly those relating to animal welfare and LGBTQ rights. She continues to be a prolific and influential voice in contemporary literature.
Standalone Novels
Individual novels by Rita Mae Brown not part of a series
- Alma Mater
- Alma Mater.
- Bingo
- Cat on the Scent
- Cat on the Scent )
- Catch As Cat Can
- Catch as Cat Can
- Claws and Effect
- Die Katze l�?¤sst das Mausen nicht.
- Die Katze riecht Lunte. Ein Fall f�?¼r Mrs. Murphy.
- Die Tennisspielerin. Roman.
- Dolley: A Novel of Dolley Madison in Love and War
- Galopp ins Gl�?¼ck.
- Goldene Zeiten.
- Herz Dame sticht. Ein Fall f�?¼r Mrs. Murphy.
- High Hearts
- Hotspur
- In Her Day
- In her day
- Jacke wie Hose. Roman.
- Loose Lips
- Murder at Monticello )
- Murder at Monticello or Old Sins
- Murder on the Prowl
- Murder on the Prowl )
- Murder, She Meowed )
- Outfoxed
- Pawing Through the Past )
- Pay Dirt )
- Pay Dirt, Or, Adventures at Ash Lawn
- Rache auf leisen Pfoten. Ein Fall f�?¼r Mrs. Murphy.
- Rest in Pieces
- Rest in Pieces )
- Riding Shotgun
- Rita Will: Memoir of a Literary Rabble-Rouser
- Rubinrote Rita. Eine Autobiographie.
- Rubinroter Dschungel.
- Rubyfruit Jungle
- Rubyfruit jungle
- Ruhe in Fetzen. Ein Fall f�?¼r Mrs. Murphy.
- Schade, da�?�? du nicht tot bist. Ein Fall f�?¼r Mrs. Murphy.
- Six of One
- Six of one
- Southern Discomfort
- Starting from Scratch
- Starting from Scratch: A Different Kind of Writers' Manual
- Sudden Death
- The Tail of the Tip-Off
- Venus Envy
- Venusneid.
- Virus im Netz. Ein Fall f�?¼r Mrs. Murphy.
- Whisker of Evil
- Wie du mir, so ich dir. Roman.
- Wish You Were Here
- Wish You Were Here )
- Zwei F�?¤lle f�?¼r Mrs. Murphy. Schade, da�?�? du nicht tot bist. Ruhe in Fetzen.
Classic Series
The series that started it all
- Wish You Were Here
- A Hiss Before Dying
- Cat on the Scent
Recent Series
Latest works by the author
- Paws and Effect
- A Tail of Two Kitties
Reading Order
Complete reading order for Rita Mae Brown's books
Frequently Asked Questions
What genre does Rita Mae Brown typically write in?
Rita Mae Brown typically writes in the mystery genre, specifically known for her Mrs. Murphy Mysteries series.
How many books are in the Mrs. Murphy Mysteries series?
As of 2021, there are over 30 books in the Mrs. Murphy Mysteries series, with the first book 'Wish You Were Here' published in 1990.
Are all of Rita Mae Brown's books part of a series?
While Rita Mae Brown is best known for her Mrs. Murphy Mysteries series, she has also written standalone novels and works of non-fiction.
What is the inspiration behind Rita Mae Brown's Mrs. Murphy Mysteries series?
Rita Mae Brown's Mrs. Murphy Mysteries series features a sleuthing cat named Mrs. Murphy, inspired by the author's own experiences with her feline companion.
Has Rita Mae Brown won any awards for her writing?
Yes, Rita Mae Brown has received numerous awards for her writing, including the Lambda Literary Award for Best Lesbian Mystery in 1991 and the Goldie Award for Best Lesbian Mystery/Thriller in 2018.