Neal Stephenson

Historical FictionScience FictionAdventurePhilosophical Fiction


Neal Stephenson is a renowned American author known for his intricate and expansive storytelling. He is best known for his groundbreaking series, The Baroque Cycle, which consists of three novels: Quicksilver, The Confusion, and The System of the World. Stephenson's writing is characterized by his meticulous research, attention to historical detail, and complex characters. His ability to weave together history, science, philosophy, and technology has earned him a reputation as one of the foremost writers of speculative fiction. In addition to The Baroque Cycle, Stephenson has authored numerous other acclaimed works, including Snow Crash, Cryptonomicon, and Anathem. His writing has been praised for its intelligence, wit, and originality, and he has been honored with multiple awards for his contributions to the science fiction genre. Neal Stephenson continues to captivate readers with his visionary storytelling and thought-provoking exploration of the possibilities of the future.

Standalone Novels

Individual novels by Neal Stephenson not part of a series

  • Criptonomicom 1, Spanish Edition
  • Cryptonomicon
  • Cryptonomicon.
  • Diamond Age. Die Grenzwelt.
  • Die Diktatur des sch�?¶nen Scheins.
  • In the Beginning...was the Command Line
  • L'�?�?ge de diamant ou le manuel illustr�?© d'�?©ducation �? l'usage de filles
  • Le Samoura�?¯ virtuel
  • Quicksilver : Volume One of The Baroque Cycle
  • Snow Crash
  • Snow Crash.
  • The Big U
  • The Confusion
  • The Diamond Age
  • The Diamond Age : or, A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer
  • Untitled
  • Zodiac: The Eco-Thriller

Classic Series

The series that started it all

  • Quicksilver
  • The Confusion

Recent Series

Latest works by the author

  • The System of the World

Reading Order

Complete reading order for Neal Stephenson's books

1Standalone Novels
2The Baroque Cycle

Frequently Asked Questions

What genre does Neal Stephenson typically write in?

Neal Stephenson is known for writing science fiction and speculative fiction.

What is the Baroque Cycle series about?

The Baroque Cycle series by Neal Stephenson is a historical fiction set in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, exploring themes of science, politics, and economics.

How many books are in the Baroque Cycle series?

The Baroque Cycle series consists of three books: Quicksilver, The Confusion, and The System of the World.

Are there any recurring characters in Neal Stephenson's books?

Yes, some characters appear in multiple books by Neal Stephenson, creating a connected universe across his works.

What other popular books has Neal Stephenson written?

Neal Stephenson is also known for his books Snow Crash, Cryptonomicon, and Seveneves, among others.