Bill Watterson
Bill Watterson is a renowned American cartoonist best known for creating the beloved comic strip series, Calvin and Hobbes. Born on July 5, 1958, in Washington, D.C., Watterson displayed a passion for drawing from a young age. After studying political science at Kenyon College, Watterson pursued his dream of becoming a cartoonist. In 1985, he introduced the world to the imaginative and mischievous Calvin, and his loyal companion, a stuffed tiger named Hobbes. The series captured the hearts of readers with its humor, wit, and profound insights on life. During its 10-year run, Calvin and Hobbes garnered widespread acclaim and numerous awards, including the prestigious Reuben Award for Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year. Watterson's distinctive artistic style and storytelling set the comic strip apart, earning him a dedicated fan following. Despite Calvin and Hobbes coming to an end in 1995, Watterson's legacy continues to endure through collected editions, merchandise, and the enduring impact of his work on popular culture. Bill Watterson's artistic talent and unique perspective have solidified his place as one of the most influential cartoonists of his generation.
Standalone Novels
Individual novels by Bill Watterson not part of a series
- Attack Of The Deranged Mutant Killer Snow Goons
- Authoritave Calvin and Hobbes
- Calvin & Hobbes: It'S A Magical World
- Calvin Et Hobbes: Que Fait LA Police
- Calvin and Hobbes
- Calvin and Hobbes Sunday Pages 1985-1995
- Calvin and Hobbes: Sunday Pages 1985-1995
- Calvin et Hobbes, tome 1 : Adieu, monde cruel !
- Calvin et Hobbes, tome 20 : Il y a des tr�?©sors partout !
- Calvin et Hobbes, tome 21 : Je suis trop g�?©nial
- Calvin et Hobbes, tome 6 : Allez, on se tire!
- Calvin und Hobbes, Bd.8, Achtung, fertig, los
- Calvin y Hobbes / Calvin and Hobbes
- Calvin y Hobbes 2
- Calvin y Hobbes 3
- Calvin y Hobbes En Todas Partes Hay Tesoros
- Days Are Just Packed : A Calvin and Hobbes Collection
- Days Are Just Packed Calvin and Hobbes
- Essential Calvin And Hobbes Hd
- Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat
- Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat: A Calvin and Hobbes Collection
- It's A Magical World: A Calvin and Hobbes Collection
- Scientific Progress Goes 'Boink': A Calvin and Hobbes Collection
- Scientific Progress Goes Boink
- Something Under the Bed Is Drooling
- The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes
- The Calvin & Hobbes Lazy Sunday Book
- The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book
- The Essential Calvin and Hobbes
- The Indispensable Calvin And Hobbes
- The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes: A Calvin and Hobbes Treasury
- The Revenge Of The Baby-Sat
- There's Treasure Everywhere
- There's Treasure Everywhere--A Calvin and Hobbes Collection
- Va Jouer Dans Le Mixer / Calvin and Hobbes
- Weirdos From Another Planet Calvin and Hob
- Weirdos From Another Planet!
- Yukon Ho
- Yukon Ho!
Classic Series
The series that started it all
- Calvin and Hobbes
- Something Under the Bed Is Drooling
- The Essential Calvin and Hobbes
Recent Series
Latest works by the author
- The Days Are Just Packed
- It's a Magical World
Reading Order
Complete reading order for Bill Watterson's books
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is Bill Watterson?
Bill Watterson is the author and illustrator behind the popular comic strip 'Calvin and Hobbes.'
When was Calvin and Hobbes first published?
Calvin and Hobbes was first published on November 18, 1985.
How many books did Bill Watterson publish in the Calvin and Hobbes series?
Bill Watterson published a total of 11 books in the Calvin and Hobbes series.
Did Bill Watterson ever win any awards for his work on Calvin and Hobbes?
Yes, Bill Watterson won several awards for his work on Calvin and Hobbes, including the prestigious Reuben Award.
Why did Bill Watterson decide to stop creating Calvin and Hobbes?
Bill Watterson decided to stop creating Calvin and Hobbes in 1995 to focus on his personal life and artistic integrity.