Aaron Elkins
Aaron Elkins is a renowned author known for his captivating mystery novels, particularly his popular Gideon Oliver series. With a keen interest in forensic anthropology, Elkins has created a compelling protagonist in Gideon Oliver, an anthropologist who uses his expertise to solve crimes and mysteries around the world. Elkins' meticulous attention to detail and expert storytelling have earned him critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base. His ability to seamlessly blend science with thrilling plotlines has established him as a master of the mystery genre. In addition to the Gideon Oliver series, Elkins has written numerous other successful novels, receiving prestigious awards such as the Edgar Award for Best Mystery Novel. His works have been translated into multiple languages and have been enjoyed by readers of all ages. With a career spanning several decades, Aaron Elkins continues to captivate readers with his gripping mysteries and intricate plots. He is a true craftsman of the genre, consistently delivering engaging and suspenseful tales that keep fans eagerly turning the pages.
Standalone Novels
Individual novels by Aaron Elkins not part of a series
- Dark Place
- Glancing Light
- Loot
- Turncoat
Gideon Oliver
Books in the Gideon Oliver series by Aaron Elkins
- Curses!
- Dead Men's Hearts
- Fellowship of Fear
- Icy Clutches
- Make No Bones
- Murder in the Queen's Armes
- Old Bones : A Gideon Oliver Mystery
- Skeleton Dance )
- Twenty Blue Devils )
Chris Norgren
Books in the Chris Norgren series by Aaron Elkins
- Old Scores
- Old Scores: A Chris Norgren Mystery
Lee Ofsted
Books in the Lee Ofsted series by Aaron Elkins
Classic Series
The series that started it all
- Fellowship of Fear
- The Dark Place
- Grave Secrets
Recent Series
Latest works by the author
- The Bone Yard
- The Skeleton's Dance
Reading Order
Complete reading order for Aaron Elkins's books
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Aaron Elkins known for?
Aaron Elkins is known for writing the Gideon Oliver mystery series.
How many books are in the Gideon Oliver series?
There are currently 19 books in the Gideon Oliver series.
What is the main character's profession in the Gideon Oliver series?
The main character, Gideon Oliver, is a forensic anthropologist.
Are Aaron Elkins' books standalone or do they need to be read in order?
While the books in the Gideon Oliver series can be enjoyed as standalone mysteries, there is a certain chronological order to the series.
Has Aaron Elkins won any awards for his work?
Yes, Aaron Elkins has won several awards for his mystery novels, including the Edgar Award for Best Mystery Novel.